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11 JUNE 2022, Rome – Celebration Day | THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF EDGE

LGBTIQ+ inclusion for the sustainable development of Italy.

Rome, 11 june 2022

EDGE will celebrate its first ten years in Rome on 11 June 2022 with a conference attended by high-profile representatives of the world of institutions and business, as well as a gala dinner in the wonderful setting of the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.

To attend the conference for free, register at the LINK.
We will meet from 10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. to discuss LGBTIQ+ inclusion for the sustainable development of Italy.

EDGE has always been committed to our societies becoming more capable of including and valuing diversity. In this perspective, the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people is an essential contribution to Italy’s broader sustainable development, a crucial and strategic policy objective whose achievement will determine, in the medium to long term, Italy’s positioning on the most pressing European challenges as well as the ability of institutions to preserve social cohesion.
EDGE’s journey began in 2012 and unfolded through some of the most difficult periods of the recent history of Italy and Europe, with significant and profound changes still underway.

Dieci anni di EDGE | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change

EDGE’s contribution to Italy’s sustainable development culminated in a 2018 conference with the Global Compact Network Italy, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the role of businesses in LGBTIQ+ inclusion as well as, in 2020, in the presentation of the results of EDGE’s research on the Relationship between LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Local Economic Development.


L’inclusione delle persone LGBTIQ+ per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell’Italia
di dieci anni in dieci anni
11 giugno 2022
Roma, Palazzo Rospigliosi, via XXIV Maggio 43


Registrazione e welcome coffee


Saluti introduttivi


Dieci anni (fa)
Angelo Caltagirone, Founder e Past President di EDGE


L’inclusione e le aziende. Storie e visioni per i prossimi 10 anni

Andrea Rubera – Vice Presidente Parks Liberi e Uguali
Angelica Donati – Presidente ANCE Giovani
Marianne RodgerVice Presidente Associazione ForAll
Andrea Vitullo – EDGE

Modera Emanuele Veratti – Partner Bain & Company


Inclusione e visibilità. Una conversazione con:
Dani d’Amico – Partner McKinsey


Matteo Tanteri – CEO Snam China

e con M. Silvia Spinelli – EDGE


L’impegno dell’Italia e dell’Europa e le prossime sfide
Triantafillos Loukarelis – Presidente CDADI – Consiglio d’Europa e Direttore dell’UNAR
Fabrizio Petri – Presidente CIDU e Inviato Speciale del Ministero per gli Affari Esteri e la Cooperazione Internazionale per i Diritti Umani delle persone LGBTIQ+
Giuditta Alessandrini – Prof.ssa ordinaria di Pedagogia Sociale Università degli Studi Roma Tre e membro del Segretariato ASviS

Coordina la discussione Mario Di Carlo – Presidente EDGE


conclusioni e ringraziamenti


Sponsor Platinum
Fastweb Spa

Sponsor Gold
Soft Strategy Group, MBA Costruzioni S.r.l., Ristuccia Tufarelli & Partners

Con il patrocinio di
ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Camera dei Deputati
U.N.A.R. – Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali – Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

Con il supporto di
C.I.D.U. – Comitato Interministeriale per i Diritti Umani del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

e di
European Pride Business Network, Parks Liberi e Uguali, DiverCity

Arsenico S.r.l., Canarini Communications Gmbh, Stratego Comunicazione S.r.l

To join the dinner, register at the LINK.
We will celebrate together the first 10 years of our Association, in the wonderful setting of Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.
The aperitif will start at 20:00 and the gala dinner at 21:00.

Sponsor Platinum
Fastweb | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Sponsor Gold
MBA Costruzioni S.r.l. | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Ristuccia Tuffarelli & Partners | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Soft Strategy Group | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Sponsor Silver
Nethex | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
under the Patronage of
ASviS | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Camera dei Deputati | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
UNAR | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
with the Support of
CIDU | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
DiverCity | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
European Pride Business Network | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Parks Liberi e Uguali | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Arsenico S.r.l. | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Canarini Communications Gmbh | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change
Stratego | EDGE LGBTI+Leaders for change